Most people spend about 90 percent of their time indoors

Most people are aware that outdoor air pollution can impact their health, but indoor air pollution can also have significant and harmful health effects
One person’s intake during a day

- Chemical substances
- Microbial agents
- Particulate matter
Major sources of indoor chemicals in your home and office

- Outdoor air
- Occupants and pets
- Cooking and Heating
- Smoking (tobbaco)
- Building materials
- Paint, floor and wall coverings
- Furnishings
- Cleaning products
- Pesticides
- Mold/Fungi
WHO warns air pollution is killing 1.7 million young children

Harmful exposure can start in the womb, and then continue if infants and toddlers are exposed to air pollution
Work performance

Loss of work performance caused by poor air quality due to increased pollution load/decreased ventilation is experimentally estimated to be ~5%
The cost of providing a good indoor air quality in office buildings is less than 1% of the labour cost
A boost of Work performance by 5% means:
- 25 minutes longer working days
- Reduced number of breaks in work
- 10 sick leave days less during the year

More than half of 742 classrooms investigated in Denmark were inadequately ventilated
A good Indoor Air Quality is an important component of a healthy indoor environment, and can help schools reach their primary goal of educating children
Increase of learning performance by 12% means one more year of education for your child
Using advanced filtration allows for reduction of the burden of disease by 42 %

Outdoor air pollution plays a significant role for the indoor exposures. Over 90% of Europeans live in areas where WHO Guidelines for PM2.5 are not attained. Efficient filtration of outdoor air allows for specific control of this component dominated by particles
Investments in productivity rise are highly profitable

This is because:
- Labour cost is from 25 to 100 times higher than energy cost
- Labour cost is from 25 to 100 times higher than maintenance cost
- Labour cost is roughly 4 to 15 times higher than renting cost
- Labour cost is roughly 4 to 40 times higher than construction costs